Eyelash Extensions In Bali: Your Ultimate Aftercare Guide

Are you ready to dive into the world of stunning eyelash extensions? Whether you're a lash extension newbie or a seasoned enthusiast, this ultimate aftercare guide will equip you with all the tips and tricks you need to maintain flawless lashes in beautiful Bali. From the crucial initial dry time to the benefits of our specially formulated Ashari Lash Cleanser, we've got you covered. Let's get started!

Initial Dry Time: Let Your Lashes Settle In

After your lash session, it's important to let your new extensions dry completely for the first hour. This allows the glue to set and bond properly, ensuring a longer-lasting hold. So, resist the temptation to wet your lashes during this crucial period and give them some time to settle in.

Avoid Heat and Steam: Give Your Lashes Some Space

For the first 24 hours, it's best to steer clear of high heat and steam environments. This means no saunas, steam rooms, or super hot showers. Heat can weaken the adhesive before it's fully set, potentially reducing the lifespan of your extensions. So, take a break from the steamy activities and let your lashes breathe.

Gentle Touch: Handle with Care

Your new lashes may look absolutely fabulous, but it's important to be gentle with them. Avoid rubbing your eyes or pulling at your lashes, as rough handling can cause premature shedding of both your extensions and your natural lashes. Treat them with care, and they'll reward you with long-lasting beauty.

No Lash Curler Needed: Embrace the Curl

One of the many perks of eyelash extensions is that they come pre-curled for that perfect lift and curve. So, you can bid farewell to your lash curler! Using a lash curler on your extensions can damage both the extensions and your natural lashes, so it's best to leave it out of your beauty routine.

Makeup Remover: Choose Wisely

When it comes to removing your makeup, opt for oil-free makeup removers. Oil-based products can weaken the adhesive, causing your extensions to loosen or fall out. So, make sure to check the labels and go for oil-free options to keep your lashes looking fabulous.

Daily Brushing: Keep Your Lashes Neat

To keep your lashes aligned and neat, a soft, gentle brush through your lashes every day is essential. Use a clean, soft spoolie brush for this task, and gently comb through your lashes from root to tip. This helps prevent tangling and keeps your extensions looking on point.

Proper Cleaning: The Key to Long-Lasting Lashes

Regular cleaning is vital for maintaining the beauty and longevity of your lash extensions. We recommend using Ashari Lash Cleanser, a specially formulated cleanser designed for lash extensions. This gentle yet effective cleanser is free from harsh chemicals and enriched with soothing witch hazel and antimicrobial Irish moss. It's the perfect companion for keeping your lashes clean and healthy.

Creams and Lotions: Handle with Care

When applying face creams and lotions, be cautious around your eye area. These products can sometimes affect the lash adhesive if they come into contact with your extensions. So, take extra care and avoid direct contact between your creams and lotions and your lashes.

Post-Shower Care: Pat, Don't Rub

After showering, gently pat your lashes dry with a towel. Avoid rubbing them vigorously, as this can cause tangling or pulling. Instead, be gentle and pat them dry to keep them in their best shape.

Smart Sleeping Habits: Protect Your Lashes

To prevent squashing or bending your lashes as you sleep, consider using a silk or satin pillowcase. These materials are gentle on your lashes and reduce friction, keeping them in optimal condition. Additionally, sleeping on your back is recommended to avoid unnecessary pressure on your lashes. So, get cozy and keep your lashes protected while you snooze.

Regular Refills: Maintain the Fullness

To maintain the fullness and beauty of your lashes, it's important to schedule regular refills. We recommend getting a refill every 2-3 weeks. This ensures that any gaps caused by natural lash shedding are filled, keeping your extensions looking fresh and voluminous. So, mark your calendars and keep your lashes in top shape.

Professional Removal: Leave It to the Experts

If you decide to remove your lash extensions, it's always best to have it done by a professional. DIY removal can damage your natural lashes and should be avoided. So, when it's time to say goodbye to your extensions, trust the experts to take care of it for you.

Sunscreen Caution: Protect and Preserve

If you use sunscreen, make sure to choose an oil-free formula and apply it carefully to avoid contact with your lashes. Sunscreen oils can weaken the adhesive and cause your extensions to loosen or fall out. So, take the necessary precautions to protect both your skin and your lashes.

The Million Dollar Question: How Long Do Lash Extensions Last?

Ah, the million-dollar question that's on everyone's mind – how long do lash extensions actually last? Well, the answer isn't as straightforward as we'd like it to be. The lifespan of eyelash extensions varies greatly depending on several factors, including your lifestyle, aftercare routine, and skin type. Let's take a closer look at these aspects to help you understand better:

1. Lifestyle Influences: Activities and Habits

Your day-to-day activities and habits play a significant role in how long your lash extensions will last. If you frequently expose your lashes to heat and humidity, such as in saunas, hot yoga classes, or prolonged hot showers, it can weaken the adhesive and lead to a quicker loss of extensions. Additionally, your sleeping habits matter too. If you tend to sleep on your side or stomach, your lashes might rub against the pillow, causing them to fall out sooner. So, be mindful of your lifestyle choices and adjust accordingly to prolong the life of your lashes.

2. The Importance of Aftercare: Take Care, Extend the Life

Proper aftercare is crucial for extending the life of your lash extensions. Using oil-based skincare and makeup products near your lashes is a big no-no, as they can dissolve the bonding agent and cause your extensions to loosen or fall out. It's also important to avoid rubbing your eyes and to clean your lashes regularly with a suitable cleanser. Daily, gentle grooming with the provided lash brush helps keep them aligned and prevents premature shedding. So, make aftercare a priority, and your lashes will thank you for it.

3. Skin Type Matters: Oily or Dry?

Your skin type can also impact the longevity of your lash extensions. If you have oily skin, the natural oils can break down the adhesive faster, leading to early lash loss. On the other hand, excessively dry skin might make the lashes more brittle and prone to falling out. Maintaining a balanced skincare routine that caters to your specific skin type is important to support the lifespan of your extensions. So, pay attention to your skin's needs and adjust your skincare accordingly.

Given these variables, it's challenging to pinpoint an exact duration for how long lash extensions last. However, with good care and maintenance, they can typically last between 2-3 weeks before needing a refill. This timeframe is influenced by the natural shedding cycle of your eyelashes, as the extensions will fall out with your natural lashes. To keep your lashes looking their best, we recommend scheduling a refill every 2-3 weeks. If you decide not to maintain them, they should naturally shed completely within 5-6 weeks. Keep in mind that individual experiences may vary, and factors like your personal care routine and natural lash growth cycle will influence the exact timeline.

In Conclusion: Lash Care Is Easy

Caring for your lash extensions may seem like a daunting task at first, but it's actually quite simple once you integrate a few adjustments into your daily routine. It's all about making small changes to accommodate the needs of your lashes and ensuring you prioritize aftercare. So, whether you're a fitness enthusiast who loves a good sweaty workout or someone who enjoys the comfort of an air-conditioned office, lash extensions can adapt to your lifestyle. With a few tweaks and a little dedication to your aftercare routine, you can effortlessly maintain fabulous lashes that enhance your beauty every step of the way.

Remember, the longevity of your lash extensions is closely tied to your lifestyle choices and the care you put into maintaining them. So, go ahead and enjoy your beautiful lashes in Bali, knowing that you have the knowledge and tools to keep them looking flawless for longer. Happy lashing!

As always, if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


Lash 101: A Beginner's Guide to Lash Extensions with Ashari Bali